Business Strategy

North Riding FA Release New Business Strategy For 2021-24

The Association’s vision is: ‘To make football a game for everyone’

North Riding County FA has today released its new Business Strategy for 2021-24, with the key vision being: ‘To make football a game for everyone.’

As well as confirming a commitment to staff health and wellbeing, equality, diversity and inclusion, and to children and young people, the strategy also outlines seven key goals for the Association over the next three years. 

These key goals include:

Retain and increase participation
Create a positive environment
Create a vibrant league and club network
Inspire, support and retain a grassroots volunteer workforce
Enhance access to good quality facilities, including grass pitches
Provide information through effective communication
Enhance the business by investing in people and infrastructure

Steven Wade, North Riding FA Chief Executive Officer, said: “The huge part that grassroots football plays in our lives has never been more apparent than during the last two seasons when unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have had to endure extended periods without being able to enjoy the game that we love. These difficult times have, however, highlighted the important role that football can play in our communities.

“This new three-year strategy for the grassroots game in North Riding undoubtedly gives us an opportunity to rebuild and revive the game and in the short-term, our focus will be on ensuring that football can continue to be played in a safe and secure environment through The FA’s Covid-19 guidance.

“Our aim is to drive participation by increasing opportunities for players across the male, female and disability pathways. In order to do this, we recognise the crucial role played by our league and club network and the need to ensure that there is a diverse and educated football workforce.

“We understand that we have set ourselves some challenging goals and objectives for the next three years and that achieving the game we truly want will no doubt take longer than the duration of this strategy. However, we have a set of measurable outcomes to focus upon that will demonstrate our progress to stakeholders and partners alike.

“Of course, we cannot achieve any of the goals and objectives outlined within this strategy without the support of the fantastic grassroots football community in the county. By working in partnership, we know that together we can provide a game for everyone.”

To view this strategy in full, please click on the link below: